
11 mars 2024
I co-realized a series of 4 videos to explain cognitive concepts used in the lab (in French). Follow Nano the neuron to discover what neuroscientists mean when they talk about "attention" and what role brain oscillations might play! In collaboration with the Dugué Lab and the Departement Image & Sound from University Paris Cité

1 janv. 2024
The artist-researcher Anna Ternon has magnified encephalography traces in stone! Very happy to see my data in a different light!
Série Bleu EEG, by Anna Ternon

12 oct. 2023
Science Festival
Along with the other recipients of the L'Oreal-UNESCO Young Talents Awards, I had the opportunity to meet high-school students at the Cité des Sciences to promote research. My research on traveling waves in the brain was wonderfully illustrated by Lucie Clarysse and Elodie Chabrol!

11 oct. 2023
Award & News coverage
I have been awarded with the 2023 Young Talents Award from Fondation L'Oréal - UNESCO For Women in Science! I am very proud and grateful for this opportunity to advance the cause of women in science. News coverage in Le Dauphiné Libéré, Actu Essonne, L'Essor Isère

10 sept. 2023
Science Festival
Participation to the science Festival on vision at the Cité des Sciences in Paris. Face to face with the journalist Olivier Saretta to understand why car wheels sometimes seem to turn the wrong way!

19 janv. 2023
Popularization Article
Article for a popular journal The Conversation published on the 19/01/23.
Main author : Laurie Galas. Republished in 20 Minutes.
Brain stimulation with TMS to understand the brain.

25 janv. 2022
Popularization Article
Article for a popular journal The Conversation published on the 25/01/22. Republished on Slate.
Can neuroscientists read mind?!

7 oct. 2017
Scientific short-movie competition in 48 hours, with a filmmaker (Parisciences, Symbiose)
Edition 2016: Peur ; Edition 2017: L'AirBnB, Bille-en-tête
Fictional short-movie on my PhD topic, Festival «Les Chercheurs Font Leur Cinéma » (Doc’Up): Bloqués… à NeuroSpin
1 mai 2016
Awareness-raising campaign
Participation to the “Jardins Ouverts” campaign in the Castle La Moglais (Lamballe) where the benefits were donated to the Fédération pour la Recherche sur le Cerveau (Neurodon), 2016
Covered by Ouest-France.