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Article for a popular journal The Conversation published on the 19/01/23. Brain stimulation with TMS. Main author : Laurie Galas. Republished in 20 Minutes.

Journal of Neuroscience’s article (2020) selected for news coverage

Short-movie with a filmmaker in 48h: AirBnB

Parisciences, Imagine Science Film Lab Competition, 2017

Participation to the “Jardins Ouverts” campaign in the Castle La Moglais (Lamballe) where the benefits were donated to the Fédération pour la Recherche sur le Cerveau (Neurodon), 2016

Covered by Ouest-France.


Can neuroscientists read mind?

Article for a popular journal The Conversation published on the 25/01/22. Republished on Slate. Can neuroscientists read mind?!

Short-movie with a filmmaker in 48h: Bille-en-tête

Parisciences, Imagine Science Film Lab Competition, 2017

Fictional short-movie on my PhD topic: Bloqués… à NeuroSpin

Festival «Les Chercheurs Font Leur Cinéma » (Doc’Up, 2016)

Short-movie with a filmmaker in 48h: Peur

Parisciences, Imagine Science Film Lab Competition, 2016

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